Monday 14 December 2015

Most Attracted Post

This Girl got 7As for her exam. After Malaysia Tamil Community posted her achievements on the page, it quickly attracted more likes and comments.
One of the commenter who is a Doctor manage to Track her and offered an Artificial hand for her at NO COST!!!  

Helping Hand By Malaysia Tamil Community

Dear Sir

             On 18th Nov 2015 at about 2000hrs hours. Malaysia Tamil Community received a post regards to education Fund from a girl. 

After consulting our MTC administrators we decided to take down her post and began investigate her case. 

Gathering information from both the girl and her education institution we concluded that

 1.The girl came from a very financially challenged family. 

 2. The Girl received an admission to Mersing Polytechnic.

 3. The Girl need some financial assistance on her initial payment for both her studies and stay in      hostel. 

MTC admins has successfully contacted donors for the Girl's education.

 On The 20th Nov, the total of RM 900 had been sent to MTC Administrator Mr Dhevan.

Mr Dheva has Successfully donated the total of RM 1100 to Nirmala's mersing Polytechnic Account.

In total RM 1300 was donated to the girl for her education and her stay in the hostel.

Malaysia Tamil Community 